Code Blue Emergency Shelter Campaign

Code Blue Emergency Shelter Campaign

In the heart of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, there are over 350 individuals grappling with homelessness. A staggering fact, indeed.

On the coldest nights, when temperatures and windchill factors plummet to a biting 32 degrees Fahrenheit or below, the danger amplifies for these individuals, leaving them vulnerable to severe injury, even death.

The Norristown Hospitality Center's Code Blue Shelter is a refuge that provides Care, Compassion, and Comfort amidst the despair of winter.

Whenever the county officials declare a Code Blue Emergency, the shelter opens its doors at 8:00 PM, welcoming up to twenty-five guests for the night. A warm meal soothes their hunger, and the comfort of a cot, complete with sheets, a pillow, and a blanket, cradles them in safety and warmth.

As dawn breaks at 6:30 AM, the shelter closes its doors only to prepare for the next Code Blue night. A dedicated team of paid staff and volunteers ensures that the guests are supervised and safe throughout their stay, providing a much-needed sense of security and community.

The Norristown Hospitality Center's Code Blue Shelter is not just a building. It's a refuge against the cold, a safe haven for those in need, and a testament to the power of community action. It's a place where warmth goes beyond the temperature, reaching into the hearts of its guests, offering them not just a relief from the cold, but also a glimmer of hope in the dark hours.

The difference this shelter makes in the community is profound. It's not just about providing a bed or a meal; it's about preserving human dignity, fostering a sense of belonging, and empowering individuals to survive and eventually overcome the challenges they face. The Code Blue Shelter is a lifeline, a symbol of solace, and a testament to the power of compassion and community spirit.

So remember, when the wind howls and the mercury drops, the Norristown Hospitality Center's Code Blue Shelter stands as a guardian against the cold, a symbol of warmth, safety, and community in Montgomery County.

Will you make a financial contribution to support this critical, life saving program? We rely on your generosity to save lives.

Will you support the Hospitality Center's Code Blue Shelter? If we can rise up to support those in our community who are most in need, we can build on the progress we’ve already made and then some. Can I count on you to make a tax deductible financial donation to support this life-saving program?

$15 helps cover the costs
of supplies each night.

$22 helps to cover the costs
for 1 person to stay 1 night at the shelter.

$40 helps to covers the costs for a
cot, pillowcase, sheet, and blanket for our guests.

$90 helps to cover
the costs for 1 staff member for 1 shift

$250 helps to cover
the weekly laundry costs to clean the linens.

Our goal is to raise $5,000 over the next 10 days to support the men and women who utilize our Code Blue Shelter.